A Third-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Mumbai, in computer engineering. I am passionate about software development and design. Passion and diligence are two traits that I believe most reflect me as an individual. I believe that this is the key to being successful in any endeavor that one set’s their mind to. I love to generate new ideas and devise feasible solutions to broadly relevant problems. I enjoy embracing the lessons learned from failure, stand up, and continue to grow.
In a world where demand for technology is increasing steadily every day, I aim to be part of its innovation and leave my symbol in this era. Highly-capable leader, having led multiple class projects to completion.















Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Technology

I am studying Computer Engineering at the University of Mumbai. Here I have gained strong knowledge of a wide variety of subjects including Data Structures, Analysis of Algorithms, Open Source Technologies (Python), Object Oriented Programming Methodology, Advance Algorithm, Web Technologies, Computer Graphics, Operating System, Database Management System, Computer Network, Microprocessor.

Graduating in: Early 2022

Vidyanidhi Junior College Of Science

I had opted computer science as my vocational subject, I completed two courses at Vidyanidhi Junior College Of Science. The first course was about Programming where I learnt C++ and the second course was about Microprocessor. This combination gave me a good understanding of both hardware and software.

Graduated: 2018



Aug 2020 - Present
Project description

  • Developing an E-commerce Shopping Website
  • Using MySQL for database
  • Technologies used: Django (Backend Server), Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, MySQL (Database)
Coming soon

June 2020 – Aug 2020
Project description

  • Developed an eBay-like E-commerce auction site using Django
  • Functionalities to allow users to post auction listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings, add listings to a watchlist, and also created user login, logout, and new user registration
  • Used SQLite for Database
  • Technologies used: Django (Backend Server), Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLite (Database)
View Project

May 2020 – July 2020
Project description

  • Developed a Wikipedia-like online Encyclopedia using Django
  • Functionalities to Create, Edit and View Wiki entries
  • Deployed this website online on Heroku using their free tier service
  • Technologies used: Django (Backend Server), Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
View Project
Google Search

Apr 2020 – June 2020
Project description

  • Developed a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search
  • Created HTML forms that send data to Google’s server by making GET request using the parameters of the form
  • Deployed this website online on Hostinger using their shared hosting
  • Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
View Project
Finding Things

Feb 2020 – Apr 2020
Project description

  • Provides users a platform to search items on craigslist
  • It uses Beautifulsoup (Web scraping library in python) for scraping craigslist for the item that is to be searched
  • Used Postgresql for Database
  • Deployed this website online on Heroku using their free tier service
  • Technologies used: Django (Backend Server), Python, HTML, CSS, Materialize, Beautifulsoup, Gunicorn
View Project


Need anything built, want to work together or simply want to have a chat?

Drop me an e-mail at anikaitchavan@gmail.com or simply fill out the form below and I will reply to you soon!